Friday 22 November 2013


I'm Sophie, I'm 15 and from the UK, and this is my first attempt at writing a blog that hopefully I'll actually stick with! I'm a self-confessed theatre geek, I love musicals (it's my life's dream to be in a professional musical) and I spend 5 hours a week and entirely too much money doing what I love. I also love books, I'm a big fan of Young Adult fiction - John Green is my favourite author. I've tried to battle my way through The Complete Works of Jane Austen, but I got fed up halfway through Emma,  and gave up.
As well as books and theatre, I like to write, which is that main reason for me starting this blog. I think it's so important for young people to have their voices heard, because we are the future, as cheesy as that sounds. Hopefully this blog will provide a platform for me to discuss the trials and tribulations that a 15 year old girl faces on a day-to-day basis, and provide some insight on teenagers' views of critical issues. (Of course, it won't all be topical discussion, or sugary 'Dear Diary' type thing. I am a theatre kid, after all, so there's likely to be a lot of musical talk. Maybe some poetry. I'm just planning on going wherever this blog takes me.
Anyway, this year promises to be exciting, stressful and potentially life-changing; it's GCSE year. Add revision for 11 subjects onto 5 hours weekly of theatre, plus 3 hours of volunteering a week, and that's a lot of pressure. Hopefully I'll turn out to be the sort of person who works really well under pressure (somehow I doubt that). Anyway, this will definitely be one of the most interesting years of my life so far, so I hope you join me!