Sunday 9 March 2014

In Which I Parody Shakespeare (Badly.)

This has been hanging around in the notes section of my iPod for weeks now, and I thought I should put it to good use. I'm not The Bard, just a British teenager with a love of writing and a procrastination habit. As my GCSEs draw ever nearer, the revision process is starting. But it's difficult and I was bored so I wrote this. Note: I don't own Hamlet. I just own four Shakespeare-themed coffee mugs and copies of a few of his plays.

To revise, or not to revise: that is the question:
Whether 'tis better for my grades to procrastinate
With Twitter and fanfiction,
Or to take arms against the sea of procrastination,
And by revising, end it. To tweet; to sleep;
No more; and by prom we can see the end of
The heart-ache, and the sheer, undeniable terror
During the wait to results day
Before we go to Reading. At last we sleep;
We sleep: we dream of summer
For in that extended summer what dreams may come,
When we have finished our GCSEs
And can finally pause: we'll burn our books
And forget what an alpha particle is;
For until September, the world is ours
Three months of freedom, three months of sun,
We forget stomata, the water cycle,
The electromagnetic spectrum,
We forget who Gorbachev was,
The Cold War was a boring topic anyway
What even is caesura? What's enjambement?
We don't need to know now, anyway 
Because the poetry anthology's gone
CGP guides are a thing of the distant past 
Our exams will be stressful,
We'll cry together on Skype,
And wonder why we took textiles,
Media does make cowards of us all,
And thus the days of chemistry revision
Is made worse with the uncompleted textbook,
Because you spent two years on Core Science
But we have just a few months
To prepare for action.

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